Home > News > Rome. Presentation of the Dossier H. “Women and Leadership in Africa”. Saturday, 16 November 2019.

Rome, 11 November 2019. In Sub-Saharan Africa women make up 70% of the agricultural workforce, contribute to the production of 90% of food products and produce 61.9% of economic goods in addition to playing a prominent role in the family. Despite this, women are lagging behind in their political, economic and scientific leadership. Why is this? What can be done to reverse the trend? A study sponsored by Harambee Africa International attempts to offer some answers, as well as present from the updated on the subject.

The Dossier will be presented on Saturday, November 16, 2019, at 11:00 a.m. (P. Università della Santa Croce, Rome).

On the same morning (at 12:00) the prizes will be awarded to the winning students of the III H. Competition “Ti Racconto l’Africa” (I’ll tell you about Africa), an initiative that aims to encourage young people to solidarity and civil coexistence (http://tiny.cc/CTRA2019).