Home > News > Harambee International Meeting in Rome

On the 15th and 16th of November the members of the Harambee committees around the world met in Rome for the traditional annual meeting. Harambee Africa International was founded in 2002 on the occasion of the canonization of San Josemaría Escrivá and pursues the objective of strengthening the skills of the local human resources, supporting African organizations and realities, not only of Christian inspiration, that carry out social activities in Africa in the areas of basic education, of vocational and entrepreneurial training and of the academic world.

Harambee is also committed to promoting in-depth studies on development in Africa, contributing to the diffusion of information free from clichés and prejudices on the continent and with the ambition of experimenting new ways of expressing the culture of human development, going beyond the current models.

During the meeting was presented, in the wake of this objective, the survey promoted by Harambee on “Women in leadership: an overview of sub-Saharan Africa”, written by three African professors, and was held the award ceremony for the biennial competition for Italian schools “Ti racconto l’Africa” (I tell you about Africa).

This year Harambee was also involved in the beatification of Guadalupe Ortiz de Landázuri, with the launch of the ten-year project “Guadalupe’s Scholarships” for young African women of science.

Before the beginning of the meeting, the committees were received by the Prelate of Opus Dei, who wished them a good work.

Harambee is present in Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Poland, Switzerland, Luxembourg and the United States. The committees are committed to giving concrete support to the projects selected in 22 countries of the African continent and to showing the African reality, full of resources and challenges.