Home > Progetti > Programme of education for young women and girls in Johannesburg – South Africa

Local Entity :
Komati Foundation

Synthetic data of the project
Harambee contribution : € 33,636.60
Contribution from local organization (Komati Foundation) : € 3,737.40
Project Duration : 2003-2004

At the end of the period planned for the project, the predicted courses had been held. The level of teaching was considerably enhanced by the new equipment acquired with the contribution from Harambee, with the resultant improvement in the standards of the courses on offer.

Description of the project
The project targeted the education of women, both young and adult. This is an essential part of tackling the most urgent problems of the area (dropouts from school, prostitution, unemployment, HIV-AIDS, high divorce rate). The aim of the Foundation running the project was to train 57 university students to run integrated courses for women and children in non-urban areas. So far 600 people have been through these courses. The indirect beneficiaries of the project are members of 5,000 families in severely under-developed socio-economic conditions – 80% unemployed, 70% HIV-positive and 70% of children receiving no formal education.