Home > Harambee Africa International Cultural Committee

The Committee brings together professionals from different countries in Africa and Italy. The aim is to promote in-depth discussions on development in Africa, contributing to the spread of correct information on the continent and with the ambition to try new ways of expressing the culture of human development, the ambition to go beyond the current models. The Committee’s president is Giovanni Mottini.

The members:
Martyn Drakard – journalist – Uganda
Christine Gichure – professor – Kenya
Stephen Ogongo – journalist – Kenya
Raoul Kienge-Kienge Intudi – professor – DR Congo
Andrew Kamau – director – South Africa
Philémon Muamba Mumbunda – professor – DR Congo
François Ossama – writer – Cameroon
Mathew Abiero – journalist – Kenya
Manuel Lago – engineer – Ivory Coast
Fabio Scala – banker – Mozambique
Isaac Kodjo Atchikiti – economist – Togo
David Boanuh -film director -Ghana
Sani Elhadj Magori -film director, journalist -Niger
Duni Sawadogo -professor -Ivory Coast
Stefan Grotewohl – professor, consultant – Germany
Celestine Kezie -professor – Nigeria
Nneka Okekearu – economist – Nigeria