Local Entity:
Diocése Catholique de Ruhengeri
- Synthetic data of the project
- Harambee contribution : € 35,284.41
- Contribution from local organization (Diocese of Ruhengeri) : € 3,920.49
- Project Duration : 2003-2004
At the end of the period planned for the project, construction of the educational centre (covering approximately 400 m2) was complete. The centre has become a focal point for the social life and education of young people in the area.
Description of the project :
The project aimed to build a permanent basic educational centre for young working people in the parish of Ruangeri. The centre’s objectives are education for peace and reconciliation between Rwandese, and raising the level of education for those who are not able to attend work-based learning courses. Additionally, the centre tackles health problems, focusing particularly on AIDS