Local Entity :
Association des Jeunes Déscolarises d’Ahootoué
Synthetic data of the project :
Harambee contribution : € 35,141.53
Contribution from local organization (AJDA) : € 3,904.62
Project Duration : 2003-2004
At the end of the period planned for the project, training courses had been held for 120 young people, sties had been provided for the raising of 326 pigs, and agricultural infrastructure supplied.
Description of the project
The project concerned the region of Alepe (50 km from Abidjan), in the villages of Ahotouse, N’zoedji and Kougofou. It set up training courses for girls and young women to help them to increase agricultural and animal-raising productivity. The aim was to provide income-generating work for girls with no educational qualifications, and so help to keep them out of the world of drugs, alcoholism and prostitution. 120 students have so far benefited from the courses (40 from each of the three villages). The course lasts for 12 months and is divided into two modules, one on agriculture and the other on animal-raising (pigs and poultry).