Home > Progetti > Improvements to Walé Health Centre – Ivory Coast – Yamoussoukro


Asociación Ivoirienne pour la Formation Professionnelle et Universitaire –AIFUP
A not-for-profit oganisation for raising health standards in the general population by setting up health centres and training staff.


In Ivory Coast it is estimated that more than 80,000 children under 5 die each year from illnesses that could be prevented by improved nutrition and hygiene. Malaria is the main cause of death, followed by gastrointestinal and respiratory infections. Ignorance of hygiene and nutrition have a terrible impact on the population. Additionally, in view of the importance of health professionals, their training needs updating.
Therefore the aim of the project is to support Walé Health Centre in Yamoussoukro, which for the past ten years has been offering accessible medical assistance to the poorer sectors of the population, to reduce the number of illnesses related to poor sanitation and malnutrition.

The project includes:

Hygiene and nutrition training for 700 mothers
Support for 200 babies under 6 months old (feeding kits, vaccines, regular health checks)
Training courses for 25 paramedics.


700 young mothers;
200 babies;
25 Paramedics.

Harambee Contribution

25.000 Euro.