Home > Progetti > R.D. CONGO – Computer Laboratory for the Children of 3 Schools in the Uvira Area, South-Kivu East

Promoter: Action des Jeunes Eleveurs et Agriculteurs Au Kivu – AJEAK asbl

The quality of basic education continues to deteriorate in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with the result that the level of children’s education has been getting worse and worse since the fall of former President Mubutu’s regime in 1996. The government has recently put in place a programme of computer courses in primary schools, but has never managed to provide the necessary computers; teachers are therefore limited to teaching only theory. The aim of the project is to set up a Computer lab available to 300 pupils of 3 Don Bosco schools who, in turn, will be able to use the computers every morning.

Beneficiaries: 300 pupils between 10 and 14 years old

Contribution requested: € 17,408